If you've ever read any of my romantic fiction- one book, ten, twenty...then you know that I love obstacles. Well, I don't love them but I do put my couples through their fair share.
Yes, even in the blissfully passionate world of the beautiful people, obstacles do exist. I definitely topped it on Julia Kelly and Cortez Wallace in my latest Kimani Romance release As Good As The First Time.
Julia and Cortez are ex-lovers torn apart by the pressures of family, issues of self worth (or worthlessness) and fear. Did I mention Cortez's fiancee (not Julia) and the fact that he lives in Detroit while she's in Los Angeles?
Yes, the obstacles run hot and heavy in this newest story. Why? Why not make it easier on the lovers to find their way back to one another?
The complexities of a relationship are seldom that simple to unravel. Only in the world of fiction however- romantic or otherwise, do those obstacles have the chance to be abolished for good. In reality, we're most often stuck with hurtles that fester and become so unmanageable that they inevitably ruin a relationship.
Fictionally speaking, there lies the chance to acknowledge said obstacles and triumph over them. The journey to reaching that triumphant plateau is the heart of the story (my stories, anyway).
I suppose the twists and turns I set before my couples are my best testaments to a dream relationship. A relationship where past hurts and misunderstandings- no matter how numerous- don't sit and fester, but are confronted and defeated.
I hope you'll enjoy the journey Cortez and Julia take to find out whether their love can be As Good As The First Time.
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